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Monday 22 August 2011

Tuffeteer will travel!

I am available for festivals, fetes, country fayres and craft workshops to demonstrate the art of tuffet making with the option of making and purchasing your very own tuffet. The tuffet is a lightweight, woven 'cushion' made from eco-friendly sheeps wool and is guaranteed 'bottom heaven'.

WHY? Due to the stresses of everyday life, the pressures of work and the limitations and restrictions of modern day society I embarked on a six month trip around the UK as a WOOFER - definitely recommended! WOOF stands for World-wide Opportunities on Organic farms and is a great way to meet people, share and learn new skills and generally take stock on the world around you.

The most popular budget  tuffet comes in natural white  fleece and can be used in a range of settings, suitable for indoor / outdoor use and may be enjoyed by the youngest through to the eldest member of your family. The Tuffeteer also creates a range of designs to suit the discerning tastes of all who desire that little slice of 'Bottom Heaven' in style!
 * Plus P&P

Contact e.mail address:

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this is up and running! Sitting will never be the same again.
    Thought you might also like to link with The Wool Directory
    and Polly's blog is
    See you soon XX
